PNC2000MC 5-Axis Milling Motion Control System
PNC2000MC is developed by POWERLAND for advanced manufacturing industry, condensed with our experience with motion control technology over 20 years. Based on open IPC platform, embedded with multi-CPU structure, PNC2000MC has pioneering functions such as multi-axis linkage control, interpolation with small line segment, real-time display while processing the graphic. It is a combination of powerful computational function and high-speed high-precision processing manufacturing.
The versatile structure enables more convenient setup and tuning. You may adapt the system for your own sake with its software configuration.
5-axis linkage control
High-speed 3D interpolation includes straight lines, arcs and circles, helix and micro segments.
3D real-time display
Built-in PLC programming
Import, edit, revise and save with G-code program
Multiple nesting
Macro program for user
Tool radius compensation
Pitch error compensation
Compensation algorithm with velocity and acceleration feed forward
Non-linear backlash compensation
Acceleration and deceleration with linear or curve
G code, M code, S code Extension
Spindle simulation
MPG Connector
fault diagnosis
Alarm record
Online graphic editing and saving
various operator panels optional
Built-in host of the control system
Touchscreen controller combo optional (TP185, TP150)
Note: please contact Beijing headquarter or branches in Suzhou and Shenzhen for more information.
Add:1103, Building 1, 339 St. XiaRong, Wujiang Dist. Suzhou, Jiangsu
Tell:0512-63138917/ 63138967

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