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PNC3000GC Glass Cutting Control System

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  PNC3000GC is developed based on experience with motion control application over 20 year and POWERLAND’s newest generation of motion control platform, it is an update of most renowned PNC2000GC irregular glass cutting system. Its ample functions, advanced features and convenience for operation still pioneering in glass cutting machining control technology. PNC3000GC combined with CAD/CAM/CNC can be applied to various glass cutting industries, such as architectural glass, PV glass, home appliance glass, automotive glass cutting manufacturing.

  The full-featured PNC3000GC system has all advanced functions for irregular glass cutting -- basic graphics for nesting, online CAD, graphic parameter programming,gantry mode, original graphic scanning, smart tool pressure control, tag categorization (optional) and more to improve efficiency on the cutting table while maintaining the quality of machining.

  The axes for PNC3000GC are 4-axis servo motor and/or linear motor, The system is run by 64bit + 32bit high performance microprocessor for its high speed interruption operation, motion coordination, graphic processing, trajectory display, process controls and event management. Such high intelligence guarantees smooth operation and precise cutting with random shapes in high speed.

  The interface is pleasant to use, it is open, inter-connected, The software can be easily extended, equipped with condensed and reliable hardware. It is easy to connect and set up, easy to operate, easy to maintain.





  § Scanning: automatically scan the graphic unto the system and create a file

  § Sorting DXF files: sorting by nearest point or any arbitrary points, by color displayed clockwise or anticlockwise, etc.

  § Glass processing options: tool pressure and speed adjust according to the linear direction or arc dimension.

  § Manual operation includes axes motion control, I/O control and pressure control

  § Compensation: Tool eccentricity compensation, backlash compensation, pitch error compensation

  § Tangent axis tool: the tool cuts following the tangent of X and Y axis.

  § Tool pressure control: 16bit DA linear analogue (±9.998V) output for tool pressure control

  § Blower auto-controlled by the software

  § Photoelectric positioning adapts the cutting trajectory by automatic computation on the actual position.

  § loader control— dual direction loader and cutting machine to achieve cutting in automated assembly line

  § Graphic Editing: Multi-level command allows straight line, slant line and irregular shapes. Edited graphic can be saves as G code or DXF script file.

  §Graphic optimization: graphic optimization software Optima pre-installed (optional), supports G code, AUTOCAD DXF files from general nesting software.

  § Nesting programming: choose an irregular graphic from the library, set up parameters, processing quantity, nesting and processing trajectory completed automatically. Graphics can be adapted by changing the parameter setup even by non-coders.

  § File management: upload, download, copy and delete the files

  § Protection of all kinds, including software and hardware limit, tool pressure control, external emergency stop, etc.

  § Automatic corner deceleration

  § Switch between auto and dry operation with processing real-time trajectory tracking display, motion axis, I/O condition display and alarm

  § User-friendly interface with multiple language options.

  § fault diagnosis and past alarms record

  § programming in imperial and metric system

  § Cutting information, quantity, and total processing time displayed.

  § Speed-up and-down buttons to optimize cutting speed

  § Multi-level password management and periodic Segment Control

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