The DMC-18x6 motion controller is part of the family, Galil's highest performance PCI bus motion controller, it accepts encoder inputs up to 22 MHz, provides servo update rates as high as 32 kHz, and processes commands as fast as 40 microseconds-10 times the speed of prior generation controllers.
The DMC-18x6 is a full-featured, PCI motion controller card. The DMC-18x6 is available in one through eight-axis formats, and each axis is user-configurable for stepper or servo motor operation. With a powerful RISC processor, the DMC-18x6 controllers provide such advanced features as PID compensation with velocity and acceleration feedforward, program memory with multitasking for simultaneously running eight applications programs, optically isolated digital I/O, and uncomitted analog inputs. Modes of motion include point-to-point positioning, position tracking, jogging, linear and circular interpolation, contouring, electronic gearing and ecam.
Like all Galil controllers, programming the DMC-18x6 is simplified with two-letter, intuitive commands and a full set of software tools such as GDKfor servo tuning and analysis.
Add:1103, Building 1, 339 St. XiaRong, Wujiang Dist. Suzhou, Jiangsu
Tell:0512-63138917/ 63138967

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